Angel Sun Crystals

Sacred Sanctuary
Sacred Sanctuary
Do you know you will be safe
All within is Light
Light with your gift
A life of love delight
Do you know your Sacred Garden
Of thoughts of love divine
Of calm
And peace
And plenty
Of thoughts that are Divine
Do you know your sacred sanctuary
It’s what you make within
Of your own choosing
Of your sweet within
You place as you desire
You spend the time
The feelings they will change
Interior decor joy
Enjoy your sacred sanctuary
The visitors are yours
Invite the sweet and kindest
Invite and enjoy
For they have sacred sanctuary
For they love big and true
They smile and they love you
Energy frequency new
We share our sacred sanctuary
All on Earth may enjoy
For once within we protect it
And support another’s joy
We have a sacred sanctuary
It’s within and without
It’s not about the body
It starts there
No doubt
But once we have our sanctuary
All we want is for all to know
Their beauty and their worth
For all this love to grow
Our sacred sacred sanctuary
God gave us all we need
We just select what suits us
Be mindful
Love in deed
For love is for all now
Not just for one alone
But for all to feel safety
For all to be known
As sacred special beings
In softness we can live
We can live in peace and love now
With our sanctuary gift
We love sacred sanctuary
Just think it there within
Take time to be kind now
That’s the way
we all within
Be free in sacred sanctuary
Be free and find your joy
None can touch this place now
Permission is yours
But sweet and safety hold you
You will feel it strong and true
And as we all take care now
All will be reborn anew
And as we are in peace now
We walk softly on our Earth
We enjoy and watch our step now
So all may be enjoyed
Holy Sacred Sanctuary
I thank you holding true
So I may find my quiet
Peace and Faith and True
Mother Father God
Universal Love Design
The Light that was Created
Its time for you to shine
Never seperate from our thoughts now
Just a thought away
Watching over Sacred Sanctuary
With Love they guide our way.