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Citrine Flower
A Citrine Flower
A Citrine Flower



The bird did chirp
Not the noise but the being who sat there; how wondrous you are
You matter so
What holds before? 
You do.
The form created 
The infinite expressions of love
Yet the roar of this expression is silent
Are we to learn your love one by one
For one ?


The tree
I see the wind and you dancing 
But before
Is the Glory 
The silence of your path to meet
Your seed to day


I see you and know the love infused
From beginning
I’m not distracted by the echo of fear contagious, distracting, contaminating
A second wanting to be noticed when the God loves your being
In being 
The second is not your life on the clock
You are the One
And always will be
Let God wash away your tears 
For the Before and After of Love is Now
The Garden of God
God in kingdom
Waiting in the silence
Found in the Silence
Found every breath 
Every expression
Every colour
Found in the sound
In the silence of the deep I see All Love
Love birthed
You and you and you
Do I spend my days counting 
The faces that I see? 
The faces of tree, and flower and bee?
The faces of soul
The unseen
We meet there first
We talk there first
We love there first 
As is
As Should be
As can be
Not distracted by the echo 
Why the echo?
The Garden blooms as always
For that Before is Now
My Peace
My Lover I yearned for 

And heard a little bird
Who reminded me
Not language but love
Chirp flew me home
No gap
Before holds you always 
I have always been here 
I will always be here
And rest
Enjoy the infinite faces
And weep with joy for Creations Glory
And then wipe your tears
For Sun Forever Shines

Thank you little bird
For giving me back everything again 



A Citrine Flower
A Citrine Flower

Copyright © Angel Sun Crystals  Anna Anselmy 2024 All Rights Reserved

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