Angel Sun Crystals

An Angel
I wanted to be an Angel
I thought it a good idea
I thought it would help me
Escape the horrible fear
I heard it said
One special day
That wings could be given
And here I thought
That if I tried
All would be forgiven
For me to forgive the past
The wrongs done to me
For me to forgive myself
Clearly I couldn’t see
I couldn’t see
I didn’t know
Because I was growing up
I didn’t know it was okay
And so I didn’t trust
But trust I did
And trust I found
It was the visions given
Of beautiful special beings
Loving me as forgiveness
I wanted so to see myself
As they saw me now
For them I would be free of pain
For them I make my vow
So with the hope of better days
I tried and tried again
I tried to think
If I had wings
I would be free of any pain
So pain I stayed away from
Pain of hurtful thoughts
Of negative views
on what was done
And what I knew now true
I tried to be an Angel
An Angel who had wings
Wings of thoughts
Of special things
Things to make me sing
I thought a lot of happiness
Not just my own
But how I could help others
To make their better home
I thought to be an Angel
In the day I would ride
These days bought hope and happiness
These days a lot I cried
I cried for so many things
People didn’t understand
I dried my tears
And tried again
To align with God's great plan
I wasn't raised religious
I had no idea
But I thought if Jesus loves us
Then that idea is clear.
To try to love no matter what
No matter what they did
To try to forgive to cause no hurt
Now that’s the way to live
To try for peace and happiness
And love each one by one
To love them as god made them
To be careful once again
I thought to show my quiet respect
I listened all the time
And everynow and then
The talking would be mine
Of hope and peace and happiness
The things that can be done
Of our free Will
to overcome
To rise above again
I think that’s what Jesus wanted
For us to have no pain
To see ourselves as healers
To see ourselves anew
To see each other
as the kindness
The kindness in his eyes
To see ourselves as God sees us
So special and so free
The love they have for us
It’s true immensity
It is so pure and special
To have such visitor so
They loved me and they helped me
And I continue to grow
I wanted to be an Angel
With wings just for God
To walk ever so lightly
To know the things of God
The things of such sweet kindness
And all the things we need
The things to fill our souls now
To save us from personal greed
I heard it said one day
That God could give us wings
I felt I needed to try for this
A worthy thing to try
To thank you for the life I have
For saving my own life
For all the special healing
For waking up my mind
For always being true and kind
And healing my own mind
I thought to be an Angel
A great idea of Gods
And so I tried
And so I cried
And carried on with it
My secret little hobby
Learning to be a gift