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Citrine Flower
A Citrine Flower
A Citrine Flower


The Carrier of Sands 
In humble ways it is the love that is expressed unseen through ways that many would shun
i see people of the hardest work

i have never respected this more than i do right now

This is all I could do after the documentary I watched.

I saw a lady carry sand for .50 cents a day.

She walked 3 km in the morning and 3 km back twice a day and at night to collect sand.

Her children, 4 under 6 years were at home.
The meaning and depth of feeding a baby.
The massive importance.
Life is not taken of granted.
The blessing received are received with hearts that are the purist of gratitude and devotions.
I wish to be more like them, a better, kinder, gentler way.
I see the soul, the quality they bring to life; for those who see and hear.
I asked God why?

I think he wants humanity to care.

The Carrier of sands

you are the most beautiful woman

in the world dear lady,
your heart is made of love
for it is only love that keeps going in the ways you can
your heart 
your days
to feed and health your children
perhaps you surrender thinking this walk will be so 
for the rest of your life
and yet you keep going

and you are kind to your neighbours
and you protect your loved ones
and you are beautifully dressed in your sand bleached working attire

of waves and oceans
faded and salty
of rips and tears

a night tent of bags to protect days sand
as babies sleep protected by their siblings
nightshift in quiet


law breaking to sell sand
.50 cents a day

Law breaking

dear law 

of some peoples ideas 
to Sell beings Lives for .50 a day
do you know what is happening?
Lady of sands knows her life.
and you knows the walk.
from here to there
from there to here
you are love to keep going.

carrier of sands you carry
purity, tirelessness, duty
carrier of sands you do so silently to be no burden to others
how gracious you are

for your people around you

carrier of sands you are discipline 
and i am humbled by your walk

carrier of truth,

as hidden not your life

and you live in truth

no concrete to hide dealings of the day

of far away
of ones who play

carrier of sands, when your day ends,
what rest brings you rest?
do you have the time

to feel the gentle sun or star lit night

i have never met extraordinary like you


carrier of sands

may your load

every load be blessed by world to see
transform the world with blessings of love


Carrier of sands
you are the strongest woman
Lady of the sands.
I saw you on television
You were my hope for going on
Our world wakes up

yet it sets its own clock
Soon i hope our table will be ready.

Carrier of sands, God makes the laws.
and you are always his child.
and you are always known where you are.
and you will carry your love kindness forever
and you will know what it takes to get things done
and you will do so beautiful in humble not in bad


and you will be free

carrier of sands

I hope to dry your tears

for every soul i pray
Africa, Asia


A choose everything beautiful for you.
I am trying

By Anna

I will always love our Africa my husband of past

A Citrine Flower
A Citrine Flower

Copyright © Angel Sun Crystals  Anna Anselmy 2024 All Rights Reserved

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