Angel Sun Crystals

Am I brave?
The plain is a dreary trudge
Of rocks to dodge and people to step aside for
I see the mountain
My destination
Why did I choose this path?
I was asked
Felt the call
Climb the mountain
There you will see
Am I brave?
Worried about stubbing my toe on a rock
Worried about spraining my ankle
But the Mountain
It makes my heart sing
Give me a task
That is rare
And I will succeed
Give me a task that is long
And I will devote
But whilst on the plain
If my attention wanders
And I stub my toes
I will be climbing that mountain
And I will succeed
Am I brave?
In the strangest ways
Am I teary
If I sprinkle seeds
The path will be lovely for others
If I move rocks
It will be smooth
Here Now
This is the mountain
Who will walk by my side ?
The Mountain will show me
The long trail of flowers
Colour blossoming on the land
A line of gold or opal in living colour
That grows and grows again
The mountain watches over me always
Yet the Sun touches all
On path or up mountain
The Sun
Whose home is that ?